Sunday, 22 December 2013

Day 17 (20/12): Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Day 17 (20/12)

The American and I go on a boat tour today. It's us, a young group made up of Swedes, Finns, a rowdy bunch of Portuguese, and an older French couple (who are not looking too comfortable).

First stop is an island where we snorkle. The snorkling gear is not really up to scratch, and the water murky (I've been spoiled by Vanuatu I think) but it's nice to be in the crystal blue water under an azure sky. We head to another island where we disembark at a gorgeous beach and eat lunch then walk through the interior, guided by our ever-so-cool young Khmer hosts (who are sometimes seen chilling with the Slovakians). On the way back we stop at another island for yet another swim, and by this time the beers and sun and shared journey have all worked to make us more sociable and Scandinavians and American, Khmer and Australian, Portuguese and German are all getting along well. Even the French couple say a few words, but not many.

In the evening, as the Finn plays the German in chess, I read about human migration in National Geographic and marvel at how we're all sitting right here, right now, in this bar in Cambodia.

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